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Monday, August 1, 2011

The Novice Blogger's First Foray

I've never blogged before (sounds like a Julio Iglesias song) and have never spent much time reading the blogs of others, but have decided to dive headfirst into blogging. I've decided I have some things to say, and I'm going to say them. I don't really care if anyone wants to hear them or not, at least I'll have said them, and that's my interest in this at this point.

I've been watching some of the coverage of the whole debt ceiling fiasco over the past couple of weeks and have to admit I've grown weary of the whole thing. A pox on both their houses. It's like watching little children instead of adults responsible for trillions of dollars of our tax dollars juggling them around in buckets like so much Monopoly money. It's not even real to them.